Universal Dark
Solinatra Universal Dark is a truly sustainable and circular material. This innovative material breathes new life into spent coffee grinds, transforming waste into valuable resources. Made from 100% natural ingredients and suitable for injection moulding, Solinatra Universal Dark is ideal for a simple transition to sustainable manufacturing.
Its dark and opaque look is a perfect choice for plant pots in any garden or indoor setting and a solution for both food (USA) and non-food packaging. A combination of sustainability, aesthetics, and functionality.
Material : Universal Dark
Density : 1.430 g/cm3
Flexibility : 4150 MPa
Tensile Strength : 39.3 MPa
Compostability Rates:
Universal Dark disintegrates to >98% in compost for 90 days at 58˚ C at a thickness of 0.75 mm.
Recommended for:
Short term food contact items outside EU/UK
Non-food packaging
Plant pots / growth pots
Product samples:

Ready to upgrade your injection moulding process sustainably? Get in touch to order samples and arrange a materials trial.